HKUST Kicks off for the first Cross Campus Art-tech Exhibition

HKUST Kicks off for the first Cross Campus Art-tech Exhibition

30 Oct - 24 Dec 2024

9:00am - 6:00pm

HKUST Library

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The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) held the opening of the exhibition “Altering Nature: Exploring Life in Computational Art” on 30 Oct 2024, which is the first art-tech exhibition in collaboration with Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) of HKUST and HKUST (GZ).

HKUST Dean of AIS Prof. QU Huamin said, “The University owns our students some art education and Art Tech integrates different components of the University, making it a platform for showcasing the artworks of students and artists.” He expressed hopes that this exhibition would become an annual event, fostering ongoing collaboration between the Hong Kong and Guangzhou campuses.

Head of Computational Media and Arts Thrust (CMA) of HKUST(GZ) Prof. ZHANG Kang believed that this exhibition is a significant starting point, envisioning its expansion to an international stage in the future, said “This is the very first collaboration between AMC and CMA behind HKUST and HKUST(GZ). And one of the showpieces, “Benefit Game: Alien Seaweed Swarms,” was exhibited at last year's Ars Electronica Linz campus show and received widespread attention worldwide.”

Acting head of Division of Arts and Machine Creativity (AMC) Prof. FU Hongbo expressed gratitude to external collaborators, including Monash University, for their contributions, and emphasized the potential for interdisciplinary collaboration to transform researchers into artists and said, “This exhibition aims to explore different possible forms of coexistence between organic and artificial life. The artists apply generative artificial intelligence (AI) to artworks which is also consistent with the focus area of AMC.”

The exhibition features 10 artworks that combine cutting-edge approaches, such as AI-generated content and data visualization with traditional Artificial Life (ALife) methods, including genetic algorithms and agent-based systems. Through diverse themes such as climate change, ecological crises, toxic food, and new possibilities of becoming others, the artists explore and represent the concept of “Altering Nature.”

More details can be found at: 


Exhibition details

 Exhibition period:  30 Oct 2024 to 24 Dec 2024
 Opening hours:  9 am – 6 pm Monday to Friday,
 11 am – 6 pm Saturday and Sunday
 Venue:  Ping Yuan and Kinmay W Tang Gallery, HKUST Library

