The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) announced today the establishment of the Division of Arts and Machine Creativity (AMC), a cross-disciplinary center that promotes the convergence of technology and art. As the first of its kind in Hong Kong, the Division will launch postgraduate (PG) programs with curricula comparable to renowned institutions like MIT's famous Media Lab to nurture Art Tech talents who can leverage cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in art creation process.
Art Tech has increasingly become a central focus in the global cultural arena in recent years, creating a growing demand for talents especially in the fields like creative arts, digital assets, human-machine interaction, blockchain and art trading. While many art programs offered locally have technology elements, the PG programs to be launched by AMC will be the first in Hong Kong to focus on the synergistic creativity and innovation between humans and machines.
AMC is now exploring partnership with over a dozen global, national and local renowned industry leaders and academic institutions, including Huawei, Sony Entertainment, Tencent, Bard College, Beijing Film Academy, Central Conservatory of Music, Royal College of Art and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts1. These collaborations will focus on curriculum development, research collaboration, and offering industry experience to HKUST students. The Division expects to receive its first cohort of students in September 2025.
Focusing on four areas: Machine Creativity, Machine-assisted Art Practice, Art Management, and Critical Studies on Arts and Machine Creativity, AMC plans to offer four PG programs in the new academic year 2025-26. The two taught PG programs, the Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) – are designed to bridge the gap between artistic creativity and technological innovation and prepare the next generation of leaders in managerial roles and creative practice. Meanwhile, two other Research PG (RPG) programs - Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), will focus on advanced research and scholarly exploration in the field of arts and machine creativity. Common core courses in arts and machine creativity will also be offered to undergraduate (UG) students who wish to explore their creative potential, while more elective courses will be offered to UG students studying the extended major in digital media and creative arts (Major +X).
HKUST Court Chairman Dr. the Hon. Andrew LIAO Cheung-Sing, also an advisor to the AMC advisory board supporting the establishment of the division, delivered opening remarks at the launch reception of AMC today. “I am delighted to have witnessed the inauguration of the new Division today. It was established at the right moment when Hong Kong, under the nation’s support, seeks to develop itself into an East-meets-West Center for International Cultural Exchange. With HKUST’s edges in technologies, and the support of state-of-the-art infrastructure such as our world-class Shaw Auditorium, we are well-positioned to nurture the kind of talents that fit the emerging market needs in the creative and cultural industries.”
HKUST Provost Prof. GUO Yike said, “The launch of AMC heralds a pivotal moment as AI and technological advancements transform industries and societies globally. Backed by HKUST’s advance AI supercomputing facility and leading AI technology development applicable in the creative fields, AMC is poised to become a trailblazing cross-disciplinary center where technology, art and humanities converge to drive creativity and innovation, aligning with the strategic priorities outlined in the HKUST Strategic Plan 2031. Through collaborative research with our partners around the globe, we aim to shape the future world with pioneering creative technology solutions.”
HKUST Dean of the AIS Prof. QU Huamin said, “As HKUST’s signature hub, AIS is committed to transcending the boundaries of knowledge through cross-disciplinary collaboration, particularly in emerging fields, and integrating various academic disciplines to provide students with innovative learning experiences. Backed by AIS, AMC will closely collaborate across disciplines and academic units within HKUST and HKUST(GZ) and with the new world-class faculty members, I eagerly anticipate AMC’s innovation in research and teaching, which will further drive the development of art and technology in academia and the industries.”
Esteemed academic and industry partners of AMC, including Ms. Malia K. DU MONT, Chief of Staff and Vice President for Strategy and Policy of Bard College; Dr. WU Bin, Director of Lyra Lab from Tencent Music Entertainment Group, and Mr. DING Yuin Shan, Acting Dean of School of Film and Television from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts2, have joined the launch reception of AMC among others to render their support.
The Division will also collaborate with the Computational Media and Arts Thrust (CMA) of HKUST(GZ) to advance scientific research in AI in generative creativity and machine creativity. The Shaw Auditorium, Machine Creativity Lab (MACRE) and Hong Kong Generative AI Research and Development Center (HKGAI) will also support the development of AMC, ensuring a conducive environment for teaching, research, and creative exploration.
- appears in alphabetic order of first industry leaders, then academic institutions.
- appears by the alphabetical order of attendants’ affiliated institutions.
Media Coverage
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